Trimetazidine HCl (TAZICON) has been proven to exert anti-anginal properties due to its specific metabolic mechanism of action. Indeed, Trimetazidine Hydrochloride reduces the metabolic damage caused during ischemia, by acting on a critical step in cardiac metabolism: fatty acid B-oxidation. This is made possible by selective inhibition of an enzyme of fatty acid B-oxidation: the long-chain 3-ketoacyl CoA thiolase (3-KAT). This inhibition results in reduction in fatty acid oxidation & stimulation of glucose oxidation. Thus, the coupling of glycolysis with glucose oxidation is improved, and ATP production is further increased, while the deleterious consequences of acidosis and of Ca²⁺ overload are limited.
Available in Alu-PVC Blister Pack of 10’s ; box of 30’s.